Companion is an exploration in artist-centered mutualism through exhibitions, projects, and gatherings. Led by Braydee Euliss and housed in her midtown Indianapolis home, the gallery presents small solo, group, and concept-based projects to support and steward the curiosities and connections of a new, Midwestern creative class. Interdisciplinary projects and gatherings aim to deepen understandings of the materials, processes, and histories that inform artists and their practices as well as bridge needless distances between individual practitioners, their art forms, and their audiences. Exhibiting art and design objects in a relatable, domestic environment makes for an intimate and accessible experience—modeling how to live with and celebrate artwork in everyday ways and encouraging more knowledgeable and intentional art patronage.

Current visiting hours:
By event, by appointment, and by chance.
Book an appointment

Companion is based in the Mapleton-Fall Creek neighborhood of Indianapolis near the intersection of Washington Blvd and 38th Street. Ample street parking is available.

Braydee Euliss
Owner / Director